Debit Order Instruction


CSOS ( Community Schemes Ombud Service)

CSOS (the Community Schemes Ombud Service), provides an alternative, impartial and transparent service for the resolution of unresolved disputes in community schemes. The ombud service was established in 2011 as the Community Scheme Ombud Service Act, 2011 [Act 9 of 2011). CSOS is designed to regulate the conduct of parties within community schemes and to ensure their good governance.

The Community Scheme Ombud Service (CSOS) falls under the department of Human Settlements and has been established to provide an alternative, impartial and transparent service for the resolution of unresolved disputes in community schemes. CSOS regulates the conduct of parties within community schemes and ensures their good governance.

What is a Community Scheme?

A community scheme includes all sectional title schemes, share block companies, home or property owners associations, housing schemes for retired persons and housing co-operatives. In other words, any and all shared property and buildings.

In terms of section 38 of the CSOS Act, any person in a community scheme may make an application to the CSOS, if such a person is a party to or is materially affected by a dispute. This entails the resolution of disputes outside of the courts. This method is often preferred as the most cost effective and speedy way of settling disputes through methods such as conciliation and adjudication.

Conciliation refers to the process where the parties use the services of an independent conciliator to be appointed by the Ombud to assist parties to arrive at a mutually agreeable solution.

Adjudication refers to the process where an independent adjudicator appointed by the Ombud, or selected by both parties from the list provided by the Ombud, determines how the dispute is to be resolved and makes binding decisions or orders.

What type of issues do they deal with?

The Ombud deals with financial issues, governance issues, meetings, management services, private areas and common areas and other general issues relevant to community schemes.


Accounting Credit Control 

Below are examples of property finances reports.